Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011 3:24 PM

Last update we got the 2nd lung was being sewn in!! How amazing is that!!! She should be off the bypass within 2 hours. The surgeon wants her to go to the cardiac ICU for a few days. Then we should go back to PICU. She will have a bronch on Saturday. And most likely they plan to put her trach back in within 24-48 hours, and then wean the ventilator and as she progresses eventually get rid of the trach and the vent. I cant even imagine, seeing/holding her without some form of tubing attached! She has been on oxygen or ventilator since she was born.
We will meet with the surgeon once she is done an off bypass and then once she is moved and settled we will go up to see her. I will post more as we know. But so far she is doing good!!

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