Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010 5:39 PM, EDT

July 23 2010 - LONG day at Vanderbilt. Feeding tube was put back in to help with nutrition An eventful day for Elizabeth. She had more blood drawn this morning and an IV put in her arm for later use. Then she went for an ultrasound on the sacreal dimple on her bottom. She had another swallow study done today, she still aspirates on thin liquids and has started aspirating on the thickened liquids that we have been giving her. The main concern with that is she does it silently, so we never know its happening. They decided to put the feeding tube back in her nose so that she wont be aspiratiing and to also help make sure she is getting enough calories to help her grow. So she is now getting feed only by the tube/pump. The pulmonologist and cardiologist came by to check on her again today. Most likely her MRI will be scheduled for early/mid week next week. We are not sure when the cardic cath will be done yet. And they still need to decide on the medication for her pulmonary hypertension.
 Elizabeth had a very busy and at times upseting day. Its very hard to watch her be stuck and poked so much and then to have a tube stuck down her nose. But we know that all of it has to be done to help make her better.
We have had so many people checking in on her and us, we are truly lucky to have such a great support system. Our familes, friends, coworkers, and even people we have never met are making this very diffucult time a little easier.

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