Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Busy Day

Elizabeth has had continued issues the past few days with throwing up and we were starting to get concerned that she may be dehydrated again. We called the transplant doctors last night and they just wanted us to draw some blood this morning to check her electrolytes and also the levels of her transplant meds.  And in case I haven't mentioned, I am the one who is now responsible for drawing her blood and taking it in to the hospital. She has the broviac, central line, so I just have to draw it from the line. Its a little nerve racking but I am getting a little more comfortable with it. Its just scary knowing that an infection in that line would be very bad for her, and the care of it is now my responsibility. So once I draw the blood I have to drive to the hospital and wait (today it was an hour) to drop it off.  Thankfully her numbers looked good, we just had to slightly increase one of her medication levels.
Waiting for PT/OT

  She had physical therapy and occupational therapy today. We spent about 4 hours at the hospital between waiting for appointments and her actual therapy sessions. She did really well and worked very hard today. She will be having PT and OT about 2-3 times a week and we will be setting up speech therapy as well. Our next appointment is on Thursday in the Transplant Clinic, which means another blood draw on Thursday morning.

Almost bedtime!


  1. So glad your home and just going to the hospital for visits even if it is for four hours. Jet has his first blood draws at the hospital at home today...kind of missing his broviac. Never thought I would say that but hate that he has to get poked all the time now. Stay strong Elizabeth!!!
    Love Sarah and Jet

  2. I love you so much, Elizabeth, and I miss you, miss you, miss you. Nana xxxoooxx

  3. Thinking about you guys and sending you all my best! Look at those teeth!! I can't believe it-- so big! You guys all look great!
    Jennie Soares (Vanderbilt,TN!)
