Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010 9:00 AM, EDT

On March 29th at 1 pm Elizabeth was taken to Surgery to close the PDA valve on her heart and to have a lung biopsy done to try and determine if she did have an Interstital Lung disease. Elizabeths surgery went well and she was trasferred to the PICU for recovery. It was expected that she would recover 1 night in PICU overnight and be back in her room the next day. After her surgery Elizabeth was unable to be taken off the ventilator. She could not keep her oxygen satutration levels up and struggled to breath.  Later that night we were told that Elizabeth was not doing as well as they had planned and they felt she needed more help from the ventilator in order to get better. The doctors told us that they thought the surgery/lung biopsy had irritated her lungs and made her pulmonary hypertension worse. The Doctor told us that Elizabeth needed toe be paralyzed and sedated so that the machine could take over breathing for her to give her lungs time to recover, she was given pain medication and they began nitric oxide to help with her pulmonary hypertension which she responded well too.

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