Monday, July 4, 2011

"Home" or at least our Texas Home

After being inpatient since November in three different hospitals, Elizabeth was able to leave the hospital for the first time with her angel lungs on Friday.

Of course nothing every goes easily for Elizabeth, on Friday morning she started throwing up which almost got her discharge plans changed, but thankfully they didn't feel it was anything major and we were able to leave around 5 pm. And as soon as we got to the apartment more medical equipment arrived. And then we had to deal with getting the home nursing paperwork completed. Our apartment is filled with medical supplies and equipment, but we are still hopefully to get rid of alot of this stuff before we head home to Tennessee. We were approved for 24 hour nursing care but have chosen to only have care at night.  Since Elizabeth still has a trach and is on the ventilator (without oxygen) at night someone needs to stay awake to hear monitors and be able to react quickly if she needs help. And we don't want to chance not hearing her alarms. Matt and I still do all of her care, we just basically ask the nurse sit and wake us up if her alarms sound at night ~ pretty easy job :) 

We are still getting settled and trying to get in a routine with all of her meds/feedings/and blood draws. I have gotten most of the supplies and equipment organized and we seem to have a pretty good system in place for now. Will just take time getting used to this new normal for us. And I know once we get home to TN it will be a whole new way of life especially when Matt and I both return to work, but we will figure it out.

  We did venture out to Target on Saturday and Elizabeth did really well. She got fussy once but seemed pretty content and slept alot of the trip.We would really like to take her for walks or to the park, but its just WAY to hot here in Houston!!

The sign posted on Elizabeth's Hospital Room door

Outside our Apt

The car ride home!


  1. Just saying how happy I am for you all really doesnt touch how happy this post has made me. I think back about all that you have gone through and the tears fill my eyes. I am just so...very...happy for you all.

    Denise WI
    Clara NEHI (23 months)

  2. am so happy and glad for elizabeth. i will still pray for her and i hope that it won't be long till you guys can return home to tn

  3. This made me cry! I'm so happy for you guys!


  4. Her smile is Priceless. We're so happy for you all 3 and are praying for continued healing for your sweetness.
    Tim and Jennifer McFarland, CPD family

  5. praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!
    will let all the others know...continued strength and Joy pour out upon you all in Jesus' name - let it be so!

  6. What wonderful news!! I just got caught up with the news and I just got so excited. I am a believer in miracles and know the power of prayer. You have had a long journey!! May God continue to bless you.............

    Sue, wife of single lung recipient
