Today marks 3 months since Elizabeth's lung transplant. Really there are no words to explain all the emotions that go along with the transplant process: from the rollercoaster of sickness before, the wait and fear during, the joy and happiness when you get the "call", the fear and anxiety during recovery, and of course the constant fear of the future. Sometimes when I think about her future, all the scary and sad thoughts come into my mind and I worry about all the complications, infection, and rejection that can and most often does occur with transplant kids. But then I remind myself that I can't live everyday in fear, I need to make each day count because we never know when it could be her last. Elizabeth was sick for a very long time, she spent all but 3 months of her life in a hospital with a good portion of that being heavily sedated or paralyzed. And now she is living, smiling, laughing and playing. The past year and half has been filled with some of the most difficult and amazing moments of my life, and most days I still feel like its all a dream.
I am so thankful everyday for Elizabeth's amazing strength and determination. We are really starting to see alot her personality, and she is VERY stubborn and lets you know when she likes and dislikes something. And I think that is a big part of what has gotten her to this point. She has fought so hard and is deserving of the best possible life we can give her. Everyday I think about our donor family and the precious angel that lives on in every breath Elizabeth takes. Here's too many, many more lung-anniversaries :)
April 22, 2011 - Transplant Day |
July 22, 2011 - 3 Months Post Transplant |
AMAZING DIFFERENCE in 3 short months!!!! She is truly a wonderful little girl and is such a blessing to all who have been touched by her!!