Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011 12:13 AM

Elizabeth had a rollercoaster day, she made alot of progress in the morning but had some setbacks throughout the day. Her vent settings basically ended up back at where she started or maybe a little higher. They think there is alot of mucus in her lungs, which is normal, and its making her work harder and not letting her lungs work as well as they need too. These things are to be expected, so no one is worried about her progress. She is actaully doing pretty well. As we all know Elizabeth has her own schedule of doing things, so we will just continue to work on "Elizabeth Time" and she will let us know when she is ready :)  She has done really well with getting rid of alot of the extra fluid she had. And they are making a few more changes to start weaning her sedation. She was started again today on the methadone/ativan to help with withdrawl as they start to decrease the sedation. We need to get her to a point where she is awake enough to do the work of breathing so when her vent settings are low enough she will be able to come off the  ventilator and do well with it.  
We are hoping to maybe get moved back down to PICU on Monday sometime. It would be really great if we did, since we know the nurses/doctors down there, and they have cared for Elizabeth for the past 5 months. We have had lots of her PICU nurses and doctors come up here to CVICU to visit her. They are just as excited about her new lungs as we are! They have seen her at her worst, and we cant wait for them to see her sitting up smiling and playing before we leave here.

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