Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011 12:43 AM

The past few days back here, have seemed so sad. I dont know if its just the events of the past few weeks, with Eden passing away, then the shooting/funeral at home, Elizabeth not getting lungs and now the program being closed. But I am seriously having a hard time with ALL of this. My heart hurts, yes I know it could be worse. But it doesnt make right now, any easier.
The transplant program closed for the week here due to the transplant team attending a conference. They will actaully only be gone a few days, but did not want her to get a transplant and then all of the doctors leave town. So they closed it a few days early. From what we were told, the program will open back up on Friday morning. As of now (based on the UNOS website and my personal knowledge) there are only 3 kids (incluidng Elizabeth) in the 1-5 age range listed as priorty 1. And only Elizabeth and 1 other child are O blood type. So I am hopeful that when organs become avaialble she will get the offer.   I keep thinking, we have been here this long, whats a couple more days, but knowing that an offer could come any minute, and she isn't even eligible for it is very frustrating. But in the end there is nothing I can do to make this happen faster. So I will just try to not totally lose my mind between now an then :)

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