Elizabeth had a GREAT night. Her oxygen index did seem to float around alot from 13 to 21. But the good news is she did not have any episodes of desaturation. They have been able to wean down her oxygen requirement from 100% to 85% and wean down some of the vent settings. Granted she is still getting ALOT of support but at least now with lower setting if she gets worse they have some room to go up, where as before she was at the max support they could provide. They also had to adjust all of her sedation/paralyzing meds. Her doses were increased on everything yesterday/last night. She has gotten so used to all of it. She started moving last night...EVEN with the parlayzing medication...so that was a definite sign that it needed to be increased.
She started getting the new antibiotic recommended by infectious disease last night, as well as some topical antibiotic drops that ENT recommended be put into her trach. So all of these things combined with the upped sedation and new trach are hopefully working towards her getting better soon.
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