Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010 6:29 PM, CST

She has remained stable since this morning! She is still sedated/paralyzed and the ventilator is doing all the work for her right now. ENT came by and put a scope down her trach just to make sure it was adequate and they think it is for now. They will wait a few days and most likely try a larger trach to try and fill up the large air leak, but want to let her remain stable for a few days before making any large changes. The upside to this is they were also able to make sure there was no granualation tissue or damage from suctioning to her airway, and it appears that her airway "looks good".  They continued weaning her nitric oxide down she is now on 10 (started at 40 in Chatt) and her O2 had to go up a little but is at 70% so even though she is still requiring alot of support she has made some improvements since last night/this morning.  Hoping that tonight goes well and that the antibiotics are playing a big part in helping her improve!

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