Most of you have seen my recent update on Facebook about Elizabeth's current status. Thursday morning around 1am we noticed that her heart rate was higher than normal. That is usually our first sign she is getting sick. She didn't have a fever and her oxygen level was normal so we just assumed she was getting a virus and would follow up with the Doctor once the office opened. Around 530 am Matt woke up and found her to have a 102-103 fever. We gave Tylenol and she stayed awake and seemed to feel better and was playing. From 530 am until around 1230 her need for increased oxygen went from 1L to 4L. Her color was not good, and we knew this was more than an regular virus. She was admitted to the PICU here at home with a fever of 105. After being admitted pulmonlogy did a bronchoscopy to check her lungs and get some fluid for testing. They also drew blood and got urine to test for infections, FLU/RSV test and a viral panel. She was intubated and placed on a ventilator to give her lungs and body a rest. She has some sedation and has been sleeping. Her oxgyen levels have been good and she seems to be tolerating the ventilator well. Her biggest issue has been low blood pressure, and she is currently on medication to help maintain a good pressure.
Her chest xray shows pneumonia and her viral panel shows that she has Paraflu, the bronchoscopy of her lungs shows some bacteria growing, which we are still waiting to be identified. So for a post transplant, immuno-supressed kid this is not the news we wanted to hear. But we know how hard Elizabeth has fought in the past and we know she can do it again. These angel lungs are strong and we know all of her family and friends are praying hard for her!
We were supposed to be headed to Cincinnati on Sunday for her 3 1/2 year lung check up but those appointments are being postponed until she is better. Some people have asked about us transferring there for current care. As long as she is maintaining her current condition, we will continue care here at home. But if she begins to decline we will be transferred to Cincinnati to be where the transplant team can be more involved in her care.
Please continue to pray for her! We hate seeing her so sick and know she can overcome this too!
Prayers for your darling girl.