I haven't updated in a while, Life with Elizabeth is BUSY!! She is now sitting up and scooting ALL over the place. We had to get a gate to put at the top of our stairs because she is so mobile now! Its amazing to see her moving and playing all over the place. She still doesn't have much of an interest in standing/walking on her own. But she loves to move, so we are hopeful she will get there ~ but with everything, it will be in Elizabeth time! She has also started eating (a little) she cautiously eats Gerber Puffs in small amounts. It really is amazing to see her doing things that a year ago, we worried she would never have the chance to do.
Medically she is doing well, no big changes or problems. She does have to wear a patch over one of her eyes for a few months to help strengthen the opposite one. This is an issue she has had since before transplant. We are hoping that the patch will help correct it. We have a follow up later this month. She received her last Synagsis shot (RSV vaccination) last month. I was a little shocked when we were leaving, her pulmonologist said he didnt need to see her for 3 months! Thats a huge milestone for her, since birth (when we were home) she had to see him weekly, and since being home from Texas she has needed to see him monthly. ~ A little closer to normal ~ Her physical and occupational therapies have both been decreased, since she is making such progress, and we will continue to work on the things she needs help with. We are also going to start going to playgym at the Creative Discovery Museum. It will give her a chance to be around other kids (in a small group setting), and I will be able to be there with her. Her therapist will also attend to help her. Im excited to see how she does around other kids, and in an environment outside of our house! Her airway dilation that was scheduled in March, was postponed due to her Dr being sick. It has been rescheduled for April 16th. She will also have an echo and halter montior for her heart done that day. We will be traveling to Houston at the end of the month for her 1YEAR evaluation. I cant believe that its been a year already. We are truly blessed to have our special girl here with us!
April is National Donate Life Month, I want to encourage everyone to become an organ donor, share Elizabeth's story, and spread awareness in anyway possible. I am thankful for a wonderful workplace that has given me the opportunity over the past few months to share Elizabeth's story during every Inservice class we have had. I will also be sharing her story with the Navy Reserve Center during our April drill weekend. Matt's work is hosting a donor drive next week. We are so thankful for our donor family, and we want other families to have the hope that we have by being able to receive the gift of life.
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