Elizabeth is still stable, and was able to wean down some on the vent settings. She is now down to 55% oxgyen and maintaing her saturations with that, some of the pressure settings have been turned down. I think I forgot to mention they have also started to wean her off the nitric oxidie very slowly. They are weaning it 1ppm per day, she started at 20 and is down to 14 and doing well with that. Her sedation meds have all been increased, again, since she just cant seem tolerate being very awake. Her CRP level, the inflammation marker in bloodwork was down to 7.8 today, significantly better (down from the highest of 28.8, 1 being an indicator of infection). Her IGG level (the antibody stuff she got a few weeks ago) started out at like 150s when we left Vanderbilt is now up to 600s. So she is headed in the right direction as far as being stable enough and infection free enough for transplant.
Now the big deal is still getting her on the list!! We are AGAIN dealing with insurance, I spent the whole day trying to talk to a person and left numerous messages with every possible number I have at BCBS transplant dept, and attempted to contact our Counselor here for transplant to be sure they are getting everything done. So I plan to be on the phone again 1st thing in the morning, and then searching for this Counselor guy's office in the morning too, I mean really dont return my call and think I cant find you??!!! ~ Remember I am a cop, and have some amazing abilities to locate people~espeically when they are in the same building :)
Obviously I have been very frustrated today regarding insurance and THEN a bird pooped on me when I went to get dinner........AHHH there's always something ;)
Thanks Again to Shannon who went on Channel 3 this morning to promote the fundraiser and share Elizabeth's story. For those who missed it or are outside the viewing area below is a link to the show:
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