I posted on Thurs that we planned to have Elizabeth transferred to Cinncinati, but after further discussion with the specialist there and other doctors we were also again told that Vanderbilt would be a good option. SO, over the next 2 days Matt and I have to decide where we want her to go, so that she can the transfer process can begin on Monday. Basically the Lung Disease Specialist cant really do anything for Elizabeth at this point since her current issues seems to be her heart and pulmonary hypertension, so where ever we go the main "purpose" will be to see Cardiology and most likely have a cardiac cath done on her heart. She has never seen cardiology at Cinncinati but has been seen and is establised as a patient at Vanderbilt. But we want to be sure of which hospital and doctors are the BEST possible option for doing the cath and for providing the possible care needed depending on the findings of the cath. All of the doctors here have great things to say about both hospitals and both cardiology departments, so the choice has to be ours.
Elizabeth is doing well right now, she is stable on the high flow oxgyen and nitric oxide and the plan is to just continue on those things until she is transported to make sure she remains stable instead of trying to wean her back down to a regular oxygen flow.
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